
I am an Ottawa based photographer who enjoys making images both locally and when travelling across the globe. Joanne and I have been privileged to circumnavigate the world to enjoy the many fascinating places both on land and underwater.

The impact of the underwater world on my photography was immense. I stopped taking pictures and started making images. That lead to more focused training in print making with master print maker Jim Lamont and specialized training with renowned underwater photographer Stephen Frink.

Artist Statement

I try to approach photography in a contemplative manner. This is a method for seeing and photographing the world in fresh ways to reveal beauty that is normally hidden from view. There truly is no better place to practice this than underwater where we are foreigners. We must learn to move slowly to take in the surroundings. We must learn to see with a different perspective because we are strangers in a strange world.

The images I make are not focused on specific subjects or a specific genre, but are meant to provide a different perception of the world.

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