American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus)


lizard-shaped with a long, muscular tail and four short legs that have five toes on the front feet and four on the back feet

The town of Xcalak, the southernmost on the Mexican Caribbean coastline, was our starting point for the journey to the Chinchorro Banks approximately 40 km offshore.

Xcalak is located within the Xcalak Reef National Marine Park, a Federal Marine Park with strict environmental regulations, both in the water and out.

Banco Chinchorro is approximately 40.2 kilometres long, and approximately 16 kilometres wide at its widest point. It covers an area of 800 square kilometres. The atoll has three islands, with an aggregate land area of 6.7 square kilometres.

The highlight of the visit was the opportunity to snorkel with American Crocodiles.

An american crocodile approaching for a visit in the shallow waters of Banco Chinchorro Mexico
American Crocodile Visit
American Crocodile posing in the shallow water

American Crocodile

American Crocodile posing in the shallow water

American Crocodile

An american crocodile in the shallow waters of Chinchorro Banks Mexico
American Crocodile Up Close and Personal
American Crocodile posing in the shallow water

American Crocodile Resting

Our dive guide used a "big stick" to ensure the crocodiles maintained at least a bit of space from us

View from our Dive Guide

American Crocodile posing in the shallow water

American Crocodile saying Hello

Our dive guide used a "big stick" to ensure the crocodiles maintained at least a bit of space from us

Getting close in for a photo

An image of my dive buddy Rod during one of our dives on the reefs of Banco Chinchorro

My Dive Buddy Rob on the reef

A friendly and curious nurse shark getting close for a portrait

Nurse Shark Face to Face

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